Addition of Index

A page was added showing the Index ID of each of the Stagners/Stegners/Stogners that I have identified. It was necessary to assign each a different ID because of the common use of names such as John, Henry, William, Barney, James, etc. This aids in any discussion. These IDs are generally random and assigned as found.  Some may be inconsistent in prefix, but there may have been a reason at time. I have not attempted to correct this due to the confusion it might lead to.

There is generally a separate ID for each Stagner in each location. For example J1 in Rowan County, J2 in Sumner County, J3 in Warren County could all end up being the same person. Combined this would be J123.

In some instances the location of the individual was so obviously the same person that he was given an ID such as J8-11, meaning he was found in four different location as J8, J9, J10 and J11.

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